5 tips for runway make up with your glasses

Women and men who wear makeup have to worry about a thousand things per day. From liner smudging to foundation disappearing a couple hours into the day. Adding glasses to the mix creates new problems. Today, we're going to look at five ways to keep your face looking great while you wear your favorite glasses.

1: Match your liner to your lenses

Small warped eyes behind glasses

A nearsighted prescription will make your eyes appear larger than they really are. You'll want a subtler, softer look or you run the risk of your eye makeup taking over your entire look. A farsighted prescription will do the opposite. Your lenses will make your eyes appear smaller, leaving you the freedom to go all with a bolder approach, without the risk of your eyes being too overwhelming. 

2: Less foundation is more

Take great care in blending a thin level of coverage wherever your frame touches your nose. If your blend is too thick there will be noticeable dents in your nose from where the frames sit and move. These dents not only take away from your look but evolve into painful red marks and nose dents (which we can prevent).

3: Primer

If your glasses are moving a lot throughout the day you'll find your makeup smudging and disappearing a few hours into the day. You're going to want to keep the frames steady on your face with Nose Fender, so they stop hurting your nose AND ruining your look. Both oily and dry skin will want to find a matte primer to stop your foundation from fading as quickly.

4: Proper adjustments go a long way

This one is more about the glasses and less about the make up. If you find your mascaraed lashes bumping and hitting your glasses it's time for an adjustment. Your frames being too close so close to your lashes is a tell-tale sign that those glasses are not fitting you as well as they should be.

5: Use an eyeshadow that compliments your eye color

Lenses both near and farsighted have a nasty habit of taking away from the natural beauty of your eyes. To find a shade that compliments your eyes follow this basic color guide. Green eyes go well with coppers and purples, blue eyes with subtle golds and vibrant browns, hazel eyes with soft purples and olives, and brown eyes with aquas and bronzes. 

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