Why I Created The Nose Fender™


                                Nose Marks / Nose Sores...  No More!

In November of 2016 I noticed that my eyeglasses were leaving deep discolored dents on the sides of my nose.

After noticing these unsightly nose marks, every time I removed my glasses all I could see were the nose sores on each side of my nose.  To make matters worse,  I started noticing the same hideous nose dents on everyone else’s nose. 

For the next two years whenever I used my eyeglasses I would simply hold them up with my fingers, away from my nose.  

After practicing this ridiculous exercise for so long, I cut a small gel rectangle,  carefully placed it over my nose under my glasses and worked on my computer for several hours totally forgetting that I had it on.  Later, I passed a mirror and saw that I still had the gel device on my nose.  I peeled it off gently and to my amazement realized that my nose was dent free!  The gel rectangle had totally protected my nose from the nasty nose sores and made my frame so much more comfortable.  I was ecstatic!


                                                      The Gel Device

I immediately made several gel devices and wore them everywhere!  People always asked me what that thing was on my nose, when I explained why I had it their response was always, “What A Great Idea”!!!   That's the reason I invented the Nose Fender™.


                                                  The Nose Fender™

Within two years, after many trials and errors, the gel device became a simply designed self adhering medical grade silicone device detached from the frame giving you total control of when, where and with which frame you choose to use it.  

                                          The Nose Fender™ was born.

I am thrilled that the Nose Fender is now available for you to try for as little as $6.00 shipping included.  It is washable and reusable and lasts well over a month without losing any of its characteristics.   

You will be amazed at how much more comfortable your frames are with the Nose Fender and will especially be pleased with the protection your nose gets from the gruesome nose marks or painful nose sores.


Suzanne Clagett

Founder & CEO


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